Sunday, May 1, 2016

Could there be more than one Macroverse God

We theorize that there are two origins of everything.  Either we had one infinite God who always existed for eternity into the past since there can only be one such being in that case, or there could be infinite Macroverse Gods if they were actually born.  An inanimate  object must be created, and could not exist without a beginning.  That being a Universe devoid of consciousness.  So in lieu of no God existing eternally we theorize a pool of infinite pure thought waves always existed.  It’s a compromise between the inanimate, and animate.  Over an amazing period of time the Macroverse God was born from random thoughts creating thought patterns, or like thoughts joining, until they coalesced into a sentient consciousnesses.  In this case the God has a beginning, and can never be truly infinite.  No matter how fast he expands his mind in the effort to take over the entire pool of pure thought he never can because it never ends.  So off in the great expanse there are countless other Gods being randomly created from pure thought as well.  In this case there can never be only one.
So there would be infinite Macroverse Gods with an amazing plethora of Omniverses within them.  Of course would we call them Macroverses since Macroverse is meant to define everything in our entire reality including the one infinite God.  In this scenario there isn’t an infinite God, and the Macroverse is actually the pool of pure thoughts.  Even if they joined together using the pool as a communications conduit, and acting as one, there’s still those infinite outer expanses that will never be tackled as they have no end.   In the absence of a new term they would be Sub-Macroverse Gods, or perhaps Hyper-Omniverse Gods.
Perceiving the first God as being born is easier to imagine as is having a pool of infinite pure thoughts being the thing that always existed forever.  Obviously there couldn’t have been a point where nothing existed since you can’t get something from nothing. Even with this scenario we technically can’t have a first God since the pure thoughts always existed.  This mean it was always birthing forth Gods which means there are Gods who always existed for eternity into the past.   Which actually goes against our hypothesis that there can be only one infinite God. Yet they aren’t infinite because they had a beginning, and their consciousness doesn’t expand for infinity.  Although you could also say biological beings always existed for eternity into the past since these Gods who always existed would have been creating life from their inception.  No matter what the concept of the Macroverse having no beginning is mind boggling, and impossible for our 3-D minds to comprehend.

Macroverse God

What Is The Macroverse God?
The Macroverse is literally everything, and everyone that is for eternity, and beyond.  Probably what the average person would simply call the Universe.  The Macroverse is made up of parallel Universes, Parallel Multiverses, Parallel Omniverses, a variety of parallel, and higher dimensions along with a plethora of Gods at various level who are ascended Afterlife beings such as humans.  The Macroverse itself is the highest level God, the only infinite God, and the only true 100% non-corporeal pure thought being in existence. Everything below it is Metaphysical Energy to some extent not including the Physical Energy of Universes such as our own.  Mounting evidence indicates it came into existence via something similair to a bootstrap, or ontological paradox.  However far more complex, and beyond the comprehension of our 3-D minds.  Every infinite soul frequency, aka all of us, first spontaneously evolved from a sea of pure information thought waves. These individual spirits, that can be called Vice-Macroverse Gods, then simultaneously, and spontaneously created a Neural Network that became the Macroverse God.  Simultaneously to this creation the Macroverse God created the sea of pure information.
This is where we were first born, and at that moment our mission was to calculate every mathematical probability to complete an infinite equation of perfection that clearly can never be completed due to it’s infinite nature.  There is controversy because at the Macroverse level there is no such thing as good, or evil.  Rather merely knowledge to collect via unique experiences.  We choose to exist in this reality, and in infinite other realities within our own Vice-God spirits, within those of everyone else.  At that infinite dimensional level we regard every soul frequency as equal.  All of us have been perfectly good, and perfectly evil in countless realities.  Those we regard as evil in our reality continue to exist at the Macroverse level for there is no reward for righteousness, and punishment for evil.  We’ve all partook equally of these scenarios, and are evil figures ourselves in other realities.  Everyone has been equally good, and bad to each other yet there is no malice because it is simply something to experience at the Macroverse level of reality.
At the highest dimensional levels why would one soul frequency be better than another?  Why should one frequency rule over everything when it makes more sense that every infinite frequency is a collective of the Macroverse God.  This is also the only way to calculate every probability at the highest level.  By having everyone be the highest level God simultaneously rather than only one soul frequency.
We realize this is a deeply controversial view, and it’s by no means set in stone since it’s based on preliminary evidence.  Naturally those who know about this keep it a secret because such knowledge at this level of reality could create chaos, and anarchy as people throw moral caution to the wind. Keep in mind good, and evil exist here with a great need for a strong moral foundation for societal stability.  There is also rewards, punishments, Heavens, and Hells in these lower dimensional levels.  Everyone pays the price for their deeds somewhere!

Universe Structural Organization Chart

The Purpose Of Higher Dimensions & Structure Of The Universe

An explanation of the structure of reality, higher beings, and the dimensions that make up the Universe.  In reality it should be called the Macroverse or Omniverse chart.  This is the melding of science and spirituality into one unified Universe.
The Macroverse is the one original eternal God and everything that exists within his infinite mind.  It is not only the 12 dimensional Omniverse below but everything beyond it as well.  Within the Macroverse could lie other Omniverses created by sub-God aka physical beings or Angels that ascended to Godhood.  Perhaps even Gods the original eternal God created.
  • 12th Dimension - True 100% Metaphysical Energy body of the Omniverse God.  The communications conduit to other Omniverse Gods, aka parallel Omniverses, and to higher dimensional Gods including the Macroverse Lord.
  • 11th Dimension - The sub-conscious construct of the Omniverse God spontaneously manifested from the complex collective of conscious life forces in the vast Omniverse.  God chose to fold this new entity into the 11th dimension, and have it act as his sub-consciousness. 
  • 10th Dimension - The Omniverse &The Omega Point where either the original eternal Gods 0-D pure thought points enter the Omniverse or where our sub-God resides if this isn't the ground level Universe under the direct domain of the original eternal God.  The entire 10th dimension or Omniverse is actually just a point itself and would be God itself if it's a sub-God.  This is the exit point into the Macroverse for Gods and even high level Travelers as well.
  • 9th Dimension - Information Space where the energy super string fabric of our reality vibrates.  All probability patterns of information are organized here.  Not all of the information ends up being implemented into reality in the 8th dimension and below.  The will of God exists here.  Some might call it the Holy Spirit or force.  This is where Archangels ascend to communicate with God directly and may prepare to leave the Omniverse in order to be released into the Macroverse to form their own Omniverses within their infinite consciousness.  All souls are conceived in a random mathematical manner, and sent out into reality from here.  Most are good but some are evil.  A rare few evil enough to be born as demonic souls in the hell dimension.
  • 8th Dimension - Multiverse Landscape or Probability Initiation Space - all probability patterns realized come from the 8th dimension.  The dimension of probability initiation and implementation.  7-D Archangels exist here so this might be considered the highest level of Heaven.  These can be Angels directly created by God who always existed here or those ascending to Angelhood from a human state. Archangels rule over Multiverses and also may become sub-Gods and create their own Universes in the 7th dimension to rule over.
  • 7th Dimension - Multiverse Space.  All 6-D Multiverses exist here.  Multiverses separate from our own that might have different laws of physics and started by other conditions not related to our Big Bang.  The mid level of heaven where Angels ascend to Pre-Godhood or Archangel status and unify with all their multiverse Angel selves to finally be one whole being with near infinite knowledge.  This is called the great gathering where everyone who ever died and all the beings in the dimensions above meet.  It is the ultimate collective consciousness within the physical Universe second only to God himself.  Those who are damned in one Multiverse are almost always damned to non-existence in the rest.  It's unknown what happens if someone is judged as good in one or more Multiverses.  Some suggest that the soul splits into two so one can go on to Angelhood, and eventually Godhood.
  • 6th Dimension - The Multiverse where all probabilities are played out. Our souls or spirits exist here with all the memories from all our parallel lives in the Multiverse so it might be considered the first level of Heaven.  The majority of us ascend to Angelhood after death and end up in the 6th dimension.  In each Multiverse we ascend to Angel status so therefore we exist as Angels in parallel Multiverses just as we had near infinite parallel lives when we were alive.  Also there is an isolated area in the 6th dimension where the souls of the damned are born.  Upon awakening an Angel informs them of the situation, and they themselves know from their memories of near infinite lifetimes, that they have been judged evil.  At that point they can choose to be blinked out of existence, or go to live with Demons if accepted.  Some are so evil that their soul was already born as demonic into 5-D hell.
  • 5th Dimension - Hyperspace or Probability space.  Where all the near infinite 4-D Universes exist playing out all possible probabilities branching off through hyperspace. Just as we move through the 4th dimension (forward in time) we also constantly move through the 5th dimension (parallel through probability space) every plank length with every thought and decision we make.  The Astral Plane also called the Dream Plane exists here as well.  It's the first level of the Universal collective consciousness of sorts we access through dream, and where our consciousness collects the memories of our parallel lives and transmits them to our souls in the dimension above,  We cross here on the way to birth and after death.  Ghosts, Poltergeists, Demons, Fallen Angels, etc exist in the 5th dimension as 4-D beings just as we are 3-D beings existing in the 4-D Universe.  Angels are 5-D beings that exist in the dimension above.
  • 4th Dimension - Temporal space interwoven within 3-D space to give us time.  Our Universe is a 4-D shape although as 3-D beings we only experience going forward in time at a set rate of one plank length for every moment we experience.  Ghosts, Poltergeists, Demons, Fallen Angels, etc. are 4-D and reside in the dimension above.  The 4th dimension is intertwined with our 3rd dimension and is seen in those beings who exist in the 5th dimension.
  • 3rd Dimension - The Universe we live in as 3-D beings sewn on to the 4-D space time fabric.
  • 2nd Dimension - Doesn't actually exist as a dimension although sub-atomic particles which make up all matter in our 3-D physical reality are 2-D in nature.
  • 1st Dimension - Doesn't actually exist as a dimension although the energy super strings that make up sub-atomic particles are 1-D and originate in the 9th dimension.
  • 0 Dimension - Doesn't actually exist as a dimension although pure thought is 0-D and it originates from the 10th dimension.